Striving to remove barriers that prevent us from building Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, Accessible Communities!


Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities

Free Self Paced On-Line Course at The University of Kansas

Culture is a term that refers to a group of people who share common experiences that shape their understanding of the world. Culture can include the groups people are born into, such as race, gender, religion, or class, as well as those they join or become part of. It is essential to understand culture when building relationships and working with people from diverse backgrounds. Culture influences people's views, values, humor, hopes, loyalties, worries, and fears. While people see the world differently, they all have similarities and have experienced pain, fear, and joy.

Understanding culture is vital for community builders as the world becomes increasingly diverse. To build successful communities, we need to appreciate and understand many cultures, establish relationships with people from different cultures, and bring non-mainstream groups to the center of civic activity. Bringing diverse cultural groups together can provide fresh perspectives and ideas to solve problems and enrich community life. Understanding culture also helps to prevent and overcome racial and ethnic divisions and create a just and equitable society. In envisioning the kind of cultural community one wants to build, it helps to have a vision of the kind of cultural community you hope for.

Learn from this Free Self Paced On-Line Course at The University of Kansas on Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities


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