Striving to remove barriers that prevent us from building Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, Accessible Communities!


She got a nasty note on her car for parking in a disabled spot. Her response is a vital read

A composite image with a handwritten, crumpled note on the left and a smiling woman with a young boy on the right.

Caption: The image is a composite of two parts. On the left side, there is a handwritten note that reads: "You lazy conning b*tch. You did not have a disabled person with you! These spaces are reserved for people who need them!!!" The note is written on a piece of crumpled paper. On the right side, there is a photo of a woman and a young boy. The woman is smiling, wearing glasses, and the boy is wearing a colorful hat and a yellow shirt. The boy is Emma Doherty's son, Bobby, who has a severe, terminal illness. This image highlights the misconceptions and judgments faced by people with invisible disabilities, as discussed in Emma's viral social media post defending the use of her accessible parking badge.

When Emma Doherty discovered a harsh note accusing her of abusing an accessible parking spot, she took to social media to share her story. Her heartfelt response highlighted a critical issue: not all disabilities are visible. Emma explained that her son, Bobby, suffers from a severe, terminal illness requiring frequent hospital visits and numerous surgeries. The ignorant note-writer assumed she was misusing the disabled badge, unaware of the invisible struggles her family faces daily. Emma's powerful message on Facebook not only defended her actions but also aimed to educate others about the complexities of disabilities.

Emma's response resonates deeply because it addresses a common misconception: disabilities don't always manifest in obvious ways. She detailed Bobby's condition, which includes multiple heart surgeries, strokes, and other serious health problems, emphasizing that his severe illness justifies the use of an accessible parking spot. Emma's post, which went viral, urges people to reconsider their judgments and understand that disabilities can be unseen. Her story is a poignant reminder that a person's outward appearance doesn't always reflect their health status or their need for accommodations.

This article is a must-read as it brings to light the prejudices that people with invisible disabilities face. Emma's experience underscores the importance of compassion and awareness, advocating for a broader understanding of what it means to be disabled. By sharing her story, Emma not only defends her own actions but also fights against the stigma that surrounds invisible disabilities. Her message is a powerful call to action for everyone to think before judging others based on appearances, making it an essential read for fostering anti-ableism, accessibility and inclusivity.

Read the full Article: She got a nasty note on her car for parking in a disabled spot. Her response is a vital read.

by Upworthy Staff


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