Striving to remove barriers that prevent us from building Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, Accessible Communities!
Generations United is a non-profit organization that advocates for children, youth, and older adults in communities and Washington, DC. Established in 1986 by leaders of several organizations, their work includes inspiring policymakers and media to use intergenerational strategies to tackle economic issues. They also develop reports and convene national expert symposiums on intergenerational issues and were named 2019 Advocate of the Year by the North American Council on Adoptable Children.
Generations United empowers organizations that serve grandfamilies through tools, training, and capacity building support, as well as advocating for policy changes to support grandfamilies, children, and older adults. They engage all ages to address critical economic and social needs in communities by showcasing model practices, providing mentoring and technical assistance, and recognizing innovative communities through their Best Intergenerational Communities Awards. They also host biennial international intergenerational conferences that connect and support intergenerational programs across the country.
Visit the Generations United Web Site
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