Striving to remove barriers that prevent us from building Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, Accessible Communities!


Fighting the War on ‘Image Poverty’

Chancey Fleet a young Blind woman stands and smiles in front of some displays in her role of  Assistive Technology Coordinator at the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library in New York City.

In "Fighting the War on ‘Image Poverty’" by Claire Rojstaczer, Chancey Fleet shares her journey from being a beneficiary of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) to becoming an advocate for improving access to information for people who are Blind or Low Vision.

Fleet's childhood experiences with NLS ignited her passion for creating meaningful access to information for others, leading her to her current role as the Assistive Technology Coordinator at the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library in New York City. Through innovative programs like the adaptive technology clinic and the Dimensions Lab, Fleet and her team are breaking down barriers and empowering patrons to explore the world of tactile graphics and accessible technology.

One of Fleet's key initiatives is combating "image poverty," a term she coined to describe the lack of access to visual information experienced by many people who are Blind or Low Vision. By providing resources like tactile graphics and refreshable Braille displays, Fleet is helping patrons overcome this barrier and discover the richness of information previously inaccessible to them. The Dimensions Lab, equipped with tools like 3-D printers and graphics embossers, has become a hub for creativity and learning, offering workshops on everything from accessible drawing to origami.

Looking to the future, Fleet is optimistic about the continued development of accessible technology and its potential to further enhance the lives of people who are Blind or Low Vision. With initiatives like the NLS Braille eReader and the introduction of more tactile maps and graphics, Fleet believes that Braille literacy and access to information will continue to improve. Through her dedication and innovative spirit, Fleet is making significant strides in the fight against "image poverty," ensuring that all people who are Blind or Low Vision have equal access to information and opportunities for learning and growth.

Read the full article: Fighting the War on ‘Image Poverty’


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