Striving to remove barriers that prevent us from building Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive, Accessible Communities!


Because she made a fuss, Judy Heumann made everyone's life better

Judy Heumann - lifelong advocate for the rights of People with Disabilities

A colorful mural of Judy Heumann holding a megaphone with the message “We can do it!” Her wheelchair is on a globe surrounded by clouds, flowers and birds with the sun behind her.

Judy Heumann was a lifelong advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Despite being denied access to education and being failed on her medical exam for a teaching license due to her wheelchair use, she went on to become the first wheelchair user to become a teacher in the state of New York. She has been instrumental in the development and implementation of legislation advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities in the US and around the world, and fighting discrimination against them. She co-founded the World Institute on Disability and has served in various government positions, including as the first Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the U.S. Department of State. She has also written a memoir and hosts a podcast. Judy has received numerous awards and honorary doctorate degrees.

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